Not Making You Feel Pretty: Do You Agree?

I'm trying to put the baby done for a nap with in hopes to get some sleep myself and I get a text from my husband, "Someone told me that I am not making you feel pretty. Do you agree?" I'm thinking to myself no but a girl wouldn't mind some flowers every now and again. I respond to the message "No" still rocking the baby. Then, I get to thinking where is this coming from it can't be because of my challenge. So, I send a message back "Why did they say that?" He stated "because of my challenge. They said you are seeking attention that I am not giving you." Let me point out of the whole point of this challenge is for self love self beauty. To see the beauty within myself. Not for anyone else for me to see, recognize, and realized the beauty in myself.

I sat there and got to thinking about it a little longer and then the whole comment pissed me off. It pissed me off for a few reasons. One that you would think I would do this to seek attention from others in a negative light. Two you would say something to my husband to make it seem as though there are problems with us and withing our marriage. If not you're trying to create one with trying to put foolishness in his head. And three that the challenge is lost on you.

Apparently, I must be doing something right because it got you talking. I'm bringing you awareness and you're paying attention. Obviously, my husband loved me enough and was attracted to me to the point that he wanted to marry me put that ring on it and spend his whole life with me. Obviously, he loved me enough to have kids with me. I love husband for not being easily swayed and that he can take what peoples words for just that talk. And he's not going to do something for the sake of saving face. He has a tell you like he means it attitude and doesn't care if it offends when he's speaking the truth.

I responded" The whole point of the challenge is for me to see the beauty within myself not to seek attention from others." He stated "That people see things differently." I stated "How with a hashtag of #hellobeautiful #hellogorgeous #youarebeautifulgorgeous!?!?!" He told me to come down and let it go especially if I knew that it's not true. And that me and God know the truth and that should be enough.

Had this person done their research the original post said why I was doing the challenge. But, it's cool cause a lot of people don't read they just look at the pictures.

I don't know who this person is trying to push off insecurities but we're good over here. Get your life.

This post has been updated to add the view for your viewing pleasure.


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