Challenges: Hello Beautiful Hello Gorgeous

It has always been stated that the true definition of beauty is in the eye of the beholder. One would have to deem themselves as beautiful when they look in the mirror which could can be hard now a days due to the beauty industry and social media. Everyone is a Instagram model these days covered with filters and angles to have them looking their best at all times. I can appreciate model Aisha Thalia because she posts the beauty of herself, the not so beautiful and the "angles" used by some to achieve the beauty and hide the imperfections that keeps them flawless all the time.

What is the definition of beauty? According to Merriam-Webster beauty is the quality of being physically attractive, the qualities in a person or a thing that give pleasure to the senses or the mind, a beautiful woman. I thought they had a fucked up definition of what beauty was so I went to my go to states the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest).

I can easily see the beauty in everything like a flower and every one but not the beauty in myself. I never thought I was pretty or beautiful growing up. I felt like I always had big features that made me unattractive. I felt like I had big eyes, big lips, and a big nose. I use to say I looked like a clown. Plus, it didn't make me feel any better about myself being teased as a kid in middle school (all of middle school). Three years of being picked on can do something to a kids self esteem and confidence.

Till this day I don't like the way I look so I would never post selfies. And I don't like looking at myself in the mirror either.

So, I decided to change that by doing a challenge. The challenge is to post a selfie of myself every day for the next 365 days. I want to add quotes, commentary words i.e. words of encouragement, thoughts of the challenge so far and how my day is going in general.

The goal to accomplish for me is to see how pretty I really am and to have proof to go back and look at for a full 365 days! This should show me that I don't need to meet beauty industry standards of what true beauty really is and that I am truly beautiful regardless. This should also show me a different and complete sense of self.

I want to be able to look at myself in the mirror and truly be happy with the person I see looking back at me. The idea of beauty for me is only surface deep not skin deep so I'm lucky in that sense. I know that I am a beautiful person with a beautiful soul and personality but I don't think I have the physical attributes to deem me as beautiful. I know that I don't need to wear makeup to make me beautiful but I do like playing in the paint! But, sometimes I feel like I need to wear it to cover my blemishes seeing how we deem blemishes as ugly and clear skin beautiful. So, sometimes I fall victim to covering the blemishes so my natural and inner beauty can come through.

I know I need to love myself better and it will take some time. So, I'm going to post a selfie everyday to show my beauty! I already started on Instagram be sure to check that out! (This post is kinda late in my eyes but could be right on time for someone else! ) If you have ever felt like you were not pretty or beautiful post with me! Remember your Instagram page has to be public in order for the picture to be seen! Don't forget to post with the hashtag #youarebeautifulgorgeous

Of course, like always I'll keep you posted! Until next loves!


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