Beauty Edition Beauty Files: My Hair! Colorful Box Braids Update

I just wanted to do an update on the colorful box braids that I had done. I just took them out and I wanted to tell you about them.

I had the braids in for a month and a half. The hair wore pretty well I took the braids out because my hair was getting to long with new growth and started to look frizzy but the actual braids still looked really good like the first day I put them in. You know my hair can't hold a style long! The color didn't fade or change colors.

The type of hair I used was by the makers of Expressions! Sensationnel African Collection Color Braid in colors T1B/Lavender and T1B/Pastel Pink.

The take down process took an hour. Better than the time it took me to put them in. And the hair did not tangle while taking the braids out. Sounds like the claim to the fame of tangle free did work!
I will definitely use this hair again. I loved the color and they turned out amazing! I am already eyeing another color!

Now, off to deep condition! Later loves!


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