Hey World Hey

Hey World Hey
I feel like there is something you don’t like about yourself you should take a picture put it out for the world to see. Then it will make you want to make that change you have wanted to make but was to scared or lazy or procrastinating to do. So, I posted this picture on my social media the other day. I didn’t like it…why you ask? The bump that was on my skin! But, I felt like I wanted to show the world that I was back to my natural curly state and that bump was just going to have to be apart of it. I felt like it was now or never to make a change so I posted that picture curly hair, break out, and all.

And that break out did get me some unwanted attention. My husbands’ aunt called me not to long after making a comment right after the post went up. She wanted to know what happened to my skin and she had never seen it like that before. She thought it was from the hair I was wearing during my protective style and that I shouldn’t use it anymore. I had to explain to her that I have super sensitive skin. She told me that it would be ok and I should go to the dermatologist and that I would live. Shakes my head…family… my husband was stating that she was just concern. Yea whatever it was I still felt like I didn’t have to explain that Aunt Flow was on her way to visit. But, like I said put it out there for the world to see and make a change.

I have been struggling with my skin for a while now and it has been a journey. My skin has always been super sensitive like hyper sensitive. Example, I can rub a spot on my skin that is clear not break out or anything and within minutes I can feel a bump a brewing. My skin does not like hair products so my hair can not touch my face or it will break out. One of my problems was that my head scarf would always fall down in the middle of the night and rub my forehand and by morning I would have a fresh breakout.

            I always had problem skin as a teenager like most of us did, combination skin that seemed more oily than dry some days and more dry than oily other days. And hair products did not help the situation. But, what I thought was finally a lifesaver for my skin was the pill! It cleared my face up and any face wash worked and hair products didn’t matter as much. I finally had clear skin and loved it thinking it was always going to be this way. Needless, to say I forgot what type of skin I had until I finally came off of birth control in June and my skin slowly reverted back.

So, now the facial cleanser that I was currently using wasn’t working for my face anymore and I was having more break outs. The cleanser worked for the blemishes but not the break outs and it was time for a change. I paid attention to my skin and noticed that it was oilier than prior especially around 3 pm. I looked up products for oily skin and came across Basis Cleaner Clean Face Wash which was good for oily skin and was inexpensive to purchase. That was right up my alley seeing how I didn’t want to spend a lot of money on products seeing if it would work or not.

My morning routine
My evening routine
I also tried to make changes like not touching my face anymore to avoid break outs but found out that was a losing battle when I woke up in the middle of the night with my hand on my face. I was touching my face in my sleep! Who does that? Me, apparently… But, I am still making changes and trying to keep up with them. Growing up we only had to wash our faces once a day which was at night and not in the morning. So, now I am trying to get into new habits with my skin routine to combat break outs.

My Friday evening routine
           I am up to two washes a day once in the morning and once at night. I wash, astringent, and moisture with both washes. I am trying to work in a deep clean once a week on Fridays to eliminate anything that may have been stuck in my face all week and have a beautiful start to the weekend face wise. :-) I have a designated change linen day which is Sundays. What better way to start your new week off with clean sheets after a hot shower before bed? I wake up feeling a little more refreshed even though Mondays still suck! :-) And by Wednesday I turn my pillow over so that I am laying my face on a “fresh” side of the pillow to help combat break outs.

But, I can say when I slack on my face routine anywhere I tend to notice it with a break out or two. The only thing that I am battling now is the dark spots from old break outs and current break outs when Auntie Flow comes to visit which is a never ending cycle. Like I said it’s a journey alright and I am a little happier with the way my skin is starting to look! Maybe, now I’ll take more selfies and actually post them! :-)

Morning Routine:
Face cleanser: Basis Cleaner Clean Face Wash 
Toner: Neutrogena Acne Stress Control 
Moisturizer: Aveeno Positively Radiant

Evening Routine:
Face cleanser: Basis Cleaner Clean Face Wash 
Toner: Neutrogena Acne Stress Control 
Moisturizer: Shea Moisture African Black Soap Balancing Moisturizer Blemished &Troubled Skin

Friday Evening Routine:
Face cleanser: Basis Cleaner Clean Face Wash 
Toner: Neutrogena Acne Stress Control 
Moisturizer: Shea Moisture African Black Soap Balancing Moisturizer Blemished &Troubled Skin
Cream Mask: Shea Moisture African Black Soap Cream Mask Blemished &Troubled Skin


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