Beauty Edition Beauty Files: My Nails

If you know me then you know I like my nails done whether it's polish, acrylics, stones, or designs! And I'm known to keep dem nails done! Well, since the birth of my son I haven't been keeping them up like I use to. I soaked off my acrylics and been giving my nails a breather. You gotta do that from time to time! So, yesterday I decided to polish my nails while the boys took a nap. Well, let's see how long this last since I messed up 3 nails and hadn't even made it out of the bathroom yet!

So, not only am I giving my nails time to breathe I also took the acrylics off to learn how to braid. I can do ponytail braids but I want to learn how to french braid (which is sloppy) and get crisper and cleaner braids while braiding. I figured it would be easier for me to learn and grip the hair better with shorter nails. I'm bout to learn me how to braid to do me some sew ins! Lol! I'm about to be a braiding and sew in G! Well, one can only hope!

Also, I'm taking the break because I'm not ready to leave my baby to go and get them done just yet. I will drive anywhere for good service and my nail girl is 25 mins away from my house. Which it isn't bad but you're looking at an hour in total and maybe another 45 mins to an hour to get my nails done and that's just my hands not my feet! I know I can take him with me but I'm just not ready for all of that and plus he doesn't need to smell all those nail fumes anyway. But, I can't tell you how bad I want a pedicure right now!So, I decided to polish my nails since I was dying for a little color and trying to get back to myself a little bit.

I used an OPI color please don't ask me the name cause it's not even on the bottle any more!!! Lol! All, I can say is it's a soft pink. I also used OPI's RapiDry Top Coat it comes with a RapiDry spray but I didn't use it this time.

I called myself trying out this new technique I found on Pinterest. Once, you polish your nails you are supposed to run them under cold water or soak them in a ice bowl bath. It's supposed to set the polish and help the polish dry quicker. The post said to run the cold water/soak for a minute between coats.

I polished one hand and ran it under the cold water well it didn't work so well. The water made the nails bubble especially the last nails I polished last on my hand. So, I had to take the polish off and start all over again. This time I ended up polish both hands waited about 30 seconds and then ran them under the cold water and just repeated with the second coat and the top coat. I set a timer each time to ensure I gave my hands the full minute. I believed it might have helped but I'm not completely sure. After applying the top coat to dry my nails bubbled up! Now, I'm irritated because I've polished my nails twice only to have it bubble up again! It got me to thinking and made me remember why I didn't use the rapid dry spray. I noticed once you applied the spray the top coat would bubble up and I wasn't thinking that the top coat would bubble up without the spray being used. So, now oldest wakes up from his nap and I don't have the time to take the bubbled polish off or to stat all over again. I'll just be walking around with bubbled nails until then.

I'm going to try this technique again with a different color polish and top coat to see if it really works. If it does I'll do a video and post it to the channel to show the results! I'll keep you updated of course! Until next time loves!


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