Beauty Edition Beauty Files: My Hair! Colorful Box Braids

I wish we had YouTube when I was a teenager with all the tutorials showing you how to do hair. I believe my life would have been different! Probably not but one can dream! Well, we had YouTube but I didn't know the benefits of it then I thought it was just for music videos. If you read my Hair Life and Journey in one of my prior posts you will now understand my excitement about my hair. There will be more post about my hair and hopefully even some tutorials at some point.

The type of hair I have is a super soft, fine, 3C/4A curl hair type. And not everyone knows how work with that type of hair. I started braiding my own hair because it's cheaper to do it myself, it always falls out when the Africans do it, and plus I really want to know how to do hair.

The type of hair I used is from the makers of Expressions! it's called Sensationnel African Collection Color Braid.The packages states it's 100% premium fiber and flame retardant. It's supposed to be hot water set, light & soft, tangle free, easy brushing and easy separating.

Let me tell you that the packaging says that this hair does not tangle LIES! It does tangle but all hair is not created equal! I have 15 packs in my hair and not every pack that I opened tangled. So, I guess there is a little truth to their claim!

The color that I have in my hair is an ombre from black to lavender (T1B/Lavender) and I did a couple of braids with the black to pastel pink (T1B/Pastel Pink) as well. I decided to go with those colors because they were pretty and I was trying something new. I want to take more risks with my hair and color because it's just hair and it's meant to be fun!

It normally, takes me about a day and a half at most do to my hair but this time it me a total of 4 days to complete! Plus, I didn't have a newborn and toddler to keep up with at that time either. Once I completed braiding my hair I set the braids with hot water.

So, of course I'll keep you posted the wear of the hair and my hair journey. I am super excited and couldn't be happier with how my hair turned out! Don't forget to check out my Instagram page with pictures of me and my pretty hair!  Until next time loves!

This post has been updated to include the video for your viewing pleasure.


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