Hello October

Hello October! I hope it's treating you well. This is one busy month for the channel and I couldn't be more excited. This month we're celebrating the 1 year anniversary for the channel. We're taking an entire week to celebrate! The channel anniversary celebration is the 2nd week of October followed by relaxation week. And we can't forget about Halloween.

For the month of September we did a little traveling. Sly and I backpack through parts of Europe. I'm excited to share the stories and pictures with you. I've already shared some on my Instagram page. My goals for last month I was able to complete. Oh yea! Talk about feeling accomplished! I was able to edit and upload all 6 videos before we left to create some more space on my phone for our trip. Apparently, I didn't clear enough because I filled my memory up in Amsterdam. Lol, I took lots of pictures and video. I'm happy to report the boys are signed up for swim and have already attended their first class. I ordered my light and it came in and I think I'm in love. It's a really nice size and I'm hoping this will help with some tutorials. I've attempted my stab at a bullet calendar for the channel for the month of October. We'll see how it goes but I think I'm going to add it as a goal for this month well. I like the idea of seeing how I can plan the month out or to just give me a general idea of what I can do. It's not filled up as of yet but it's a good layout for now.

Goals for this month:
Get all my videos and posts of vacation for celebration week.
Finish getting products for relaxation week
Finalize my drinks for celebration week
Figure out the boys costumes for Halloween
Bullet calendar for organization and see how it goes for this month

I think I've bored you enough with the details! Now, it's time to get at it! Cheers to a new month! I hope it's everything for you!

Until next time loves!


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