Celebration Week Favorites

Hey loves,

October 13th marked the first day a video was ever uploaded to The Fae and Cita Show channel on YouTube. It was the start of process for me a start of something better and here we are a year later celebrating the anniversary. Let me tell you that that time has flown by and I can’t believe it.

I talked about some of my favorite videos that I have done on the channel so far for Celebration Week. My favorite video so far has been Visit to the Black Sand Beach. We were in Hawaii with the family and it was just a nice experience to be out there with our entire family joining the waves, sun, and some family togetherness. 

The funniest/most entertaining video was Happy Halloween. I laughed that entire video and couldn’t believe that I was able to piece enough together to make it. The fun video that I have done so far was the Cocktail Friday’s Money Mayweather Knockout vs McGregor Tap Out. I just loved the music, how I was able to add the moments leading up until the fight and how the whole thing came together. I couldn’t have been happier with that video.

I also shared channel stats as of Friday, October 13th, 2017, The Fae and Cita Channel has 20 subscribers on YouTube, 70 videos, and 1752 views. And on our Instagram, The Fae and Cita page has 43 followers and 65 posts. I am happy with the process and progress we have made so far with the channel and what the future my hold. I hope you all enjoyed just as much as we did putting it together for you.

Until next time loves…

Like always I included the video for your viewing pleasure.


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