Women Connect Wednesday: Black Woman Connect: Jessica Nabongo

I’m super excited to talk about the Black Women Connect for this week. This weeks woman connect is a black blogger. Her name is Jessica Nabongo. She's a travel blogger and photographer. But, I’m focusing on the traveling. I am an adamant traveler and I love the travel. I know most people don’t think it’s possible to do so for what ever reason. I feel like this lady right here can bring you to a whole new level of awe and travel envy with just enough to get you biten by the travel bug! She’s been to 111 countries/territories and counting! I also found out that she is also a Detroiter! 

How I first found out about Jessica is from one of the curly girls, Rene Daniella, that I follow on Instagram and Twitter. I just so happened to be on Twitter and this retweeted tweet showed up on my time line. I skimmed over it and kept it moving. Well, it showed up on my timeline again with a response and this time I actually paid attention. It was talking about how The Four Seasons hotel wouldn’t comp her stay on an upcoming visit to Nevis/St. Kitts. She reached out to Four Season to see if they would comp her stay in exchange of a review of the hotel and their services. The Four Seasons responded with "Thank you for your interest but upon reviewing your demographics they felt like she “wasn’t” in line with their brand. But, told her if she was still interested they would put her in contact with the Four Seasons reservations." She wanted some clarification on what was said and she reached back out. Another email was followed with “Although your photography is beautiful and may speak to the aspirational traveler, we feel that it is not reaching a luxury brand clientele which is in line with our brand. Also, your overall reach isn’t significant enough for us to see an equal or greater return from your stay. We were also informed by our corporate team that they have also reached out to you on our behalf and felt that a partnership wouldn’t be the right fit at this time.” The crazy part is at that point she had been to 106 countries, had a following of 20,000, and had been offered comps to stay at other hotels. 

“My privilege is meeting oppression”

I chose her because I love to travel and if you love to travel she will definitely inspire you to travel more. Another reason I chose her is because of the obvious discrimination about her being a dark skinned black female. She continues to travel and do the things that she loves. With all of her following, travels, and amazing photography it’s still not enough to some people. But, if you travel and want to travel you get it. I believe she can market to those that wants to travel and are willing to travel. I wouldn’t have thought about traveling to as many cities that she has been she gives me a better of vision of what there is out there to come. I also found out that she has a boutique travel company, Jet Black.

I really hope you enjoyed this weeks Women Connect! Be sure to tune into this week for our finally Women Connect Wednesday the Black Woman Connect.

Until next time loves.

I included some really good articles and a podcast. Check those out when you get a chance it might just make you want to travel solo!

When Travel Companies Don't Believe "Black" Means "Luxury"

Women Who Travel Podcast: The Travel Industry Needs to Do More for Women of Color

Women Connect Wednesday | Black Woman Connect: Jessica Nabongo via The Fae & Cita Show


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