Hello Febraury

Hello loves! It's February! Can you believe it's a new month already? I saw a post on ig saying, "Next week will basically be the end of January.. February is like 2 days long. So March will come super fast so will Ester. Summer will come and go then Christmas. Basically 2018 is finished." I hope that's not true! lol. I have another announcement for you guys that I will do in a separate post coming up! I'm excited to share the news. I am really starting to like announcements! Can you tell?

I want to talk about goals for last month. Last month was very busy to say the least for The Fae and Cita Show. I came up with tons of logos and with Fae's help we picked the perfect one! Once, the logo was picked I started working on the Fae and Cita Show Facebook page. I'm proud to announce that it is up and running! I also started The Fae and Cita Show Twitter page as well! Both social media outlets I planned to start in May or June but with out upcoming event I'll be attending in Cleveland. We figured we could stream live from the event on Facebook. Twitter was a happy surprise myself. I just woke and literally started it like today is a good day to be on Twitter. And now The Fae and Cita Show is on Twitter. Starting Twitter was not apart of the goals for last month but it was something nice that I was able to do in addition to redoing the Fae and Cita Show Facebook page.

I updated the follow loop for the Women Connect Wednesday for the F&C Instagram page. And still haven't had anyone really repost the follow loop. I'm going to have to do some more brainstorming on that one. In addition to the loop for the Women Connect Wednesday, I posted our first video for Women Connect Wednesday on our YouTube channel!

I didn't do my goals and aspirations last month as planned. Before you go in on me, I started them and didn't finish. And writing down half of one thing does not mean that I completed my task. I will admit I let that fall to the back burner with me spear heading everything for The Fae and Cita Show.

Update stats for The Fae and Cita Show as the close of January, we have 25 followers on our Facebook page, 35 subscribers on our YouTube channel, 2 followers on Twitter, and on our Instagram page. I couldn't be happier with the numbers seeing how I started the Facebook page with 2 weeks of January left and it consistently grew til months end. And to start the Twitter page with a week and a half left of January with no real push. I'll take it. With the numbers on Instagram they rise and they fall for their reasons so it doesn't make sense to get your blood pressure up. But, YouTube I'm especially proud of because we got 2 new subscribers in one week, lost a subscriber by the end of the month to gain a new subscriber on January 31st! Ok, story time...wait...maybe I should save this story for another post so it doesn't get any longer...hmmm...

Things coming up for the month. I'm preparing for the Refined Festival in Cleveland. Getting our shirts design, as well as business cards, and swag to pass out at the event. Stay tuned for that. What we have going on on the Fae and Cita Show Facebook page is 14 Days of Valentines. Fae is putting a heart of day until Valentines day showcasing the many reasons why she loves her daughter. Be sure to head over to Facebook to check that out. We also have a giveaway coming up this month, it'll will be posted on the Fae and Cita Show Instagram first.

I want to talk about goals for this month:

  • I want to add writing my goals and aspirations back to the list for this month. 
  • Prepare for the festival:
    • Design shirts
    • Design business cards
    • Order swag
    • Order shirts
    • Order business cards
  • Announce the surprise
  • Work on the surprise
Enough of the details and on to the month! Have a great month everyone! If I inspired you to do something great this month I would love to know! Put them in the comment section below!

Until next time loves!


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