Cita News

So, if you read my Hello February you would know that I had an announcement to make. Well, wait no further! I
I wanted to let you know that I am starting my own YouTube channel dedicated to natural hair, beauty and all things Cita. I know I got a lot going on with The Fae and Cita Show and you’re probably wondering why start another channel?

One reason is to focus on my natural hair. I get asked a lot of questions about my hair and being natural that it was the next best thing to get information out about being natural. You get to learn about being natural from my point of view and how I navigate the natural hair world as a curly girl.

Now, you know my mystery goal for the month. I’m super excited about the decision and I have a lot of work ahead of me. I do hope you join me on this journey. So, starting March 1st, I will be launching my YouTube channel, A Cita Life. Be sure to check it out, comment, like, and subscribe. I can’t wait to be able to interact you further.

Until next time loves!


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