My Weekend and Day Update 11/6

Hey loves,

I hope you guys had a great weekend! I had plans for this weekend to be a productive weekend of writing and that didn’t happen. It was in fact a lazy weekend for us and I’m ok with that. There is always something for us to do on the weekend so to be able to kinda lounge around the house actually worked for us. I say kinda because the boys both had a runny nose Saturday and by Sunday the baby was better but my oldest was worse. No one really slept well that night but my oldest spent the day getting some much needed rest. I actually got to watch some junk tv this weekend! I don’t watch much tv anymore with being busy with the boys, work, or the channel. And I’ll take spending time with my boys anytime than watching tv. It was a rainy weekend as well so the lack of motivation to leave wasn’t there. Which means I’ll probably have to do everything during the week since I didn’t do it over the weekend. I did manage to take the baby to swim class yesterday. One more class left! Hopefully, I can get both kids there next week. All in all it was nice to be in the house. As of today I am on a journey to clearer skin I'm going to try to get my water intake back wish me luck and I'll keep you posted on my process.

Updates, no Mommy Corner today but I got you tomorrow for Travel Tuesdays.

Wishing you guys a great and productive week!

Until next time loves!


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