Hello November

Hey, loves I hope this month is treating you well. I want to wish you a happy, healthy, and productive month with lots of fun.Things are going pretty good for me. We just wrapped up swim class for the boys and I’m glad it’s over. It was a waste of money and I don’t like wasting money. The weekend is for family. Our weekends are usually busy and I knew we would have to have our Sunday’s restricted. Well, my husband didn’t realize it was going to take up his football Sunday. Being out of the country, nephews birthday, and colds interfered with making it to swim class. I will never book a weekend class for them again. They had 8 classes and I think the baby made it to half of the classes. Talk about being disappointed. I will pick the classes during the week like I did last time and it will work just fine for us. The hubs doesn't want the boys to take swim class during the winter months seeing how it can lead to the possibility of them getting sick. They have already released the schedule for swim and it will be from January to March. It sounds like that will work and they can pick the glasses back up in April. 

"The weekend is for family"

I want to talk about goals from last month. One was getting all my videos and posts of vacation for celebration week together. I managed to have all the videos finished and completed for celebration week in enough time. I didn’t have my posts completed for my blog however. I wanted my blog post to coincide with the video post which didn’t happen. I didn’t get my post done until the end of October and finally posted one of them in November. I bit off more than I could chew with that one in a sense. I had so much going on it was crazy! So, when I have to do something like that I again I know I will have to be a little better prepared. But, I honestly had no clue that my work life would be just as busy as my personal life! I should have used my bullet journal more to help me prepare.

For Halloween, I left it up to the hubs to pick out what the boys were going to be. My oldest was a Power Ranger and the baby was a chicken. The boys got to go trick or treating with all of their cousins. The baby loved it and my oldest did until he saw a kid dress up as the Marshmallow man from Ghostbusters. And then trick or treating was over for them. 

Goals for this month:
I need to make a decision about my personal YouTube channel
Focus more on my blog and posts
Bullet Journal for organization
Introduce Women Connect Wednesday
Growing the Fae and Cita Show Instragram

You may have not known I have a, A Cita Life, channel on YouTube. Here's why you don't - I haven't done anything with it yet! I know it will have some vlogs on there but I got to figure some other things out first. But, I will be posting on there really soon. Once, it's up and running all let you know!

I want to try and focus on my blog a little more. I feel like I let it lag behind and I don't like it. I have so many stories still to share from our Europe trip and just things in general! So, I'm going to have to get on that and try to put a little more priority on it.

I'm going to add bullet journaling back on the list this month because I added my blog for the month of November. And I need to write on my personal calendar for the month too. I don't take advantage of it and use it like I should. I think one problem is it's at home and I'm not most of the time. I'm wondering should I get something portable to carry around with me. I'm not sure if I want to do that because that's like one extra thing to carry and I feel like I already carry enough! 

This month, I am introducing Women Connect Wednesday to the Fae and Cita Show Instagram page. I will be starting that for the channel soon as well. I want to introduce that as a way to grow the community and following for the Instagram page. I created a follow loop with the hashtag #womenconnect2 to have all the beautiful and powerful women to connect, grow their follow base, celebrate, and empower other women.

Hopefully, I have inspired you to do something great this month!

Until next time loves!


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