Yoga What!?!?

Today was the day that I took my first yoga class in six months. I was filled with a lot of emotions. For one I was nervous as hell! How was my body going to react to no practice in six months, would I pick up on all the moves, a lot of silly stuff that was in my head. Which probably didn't help with me trying to rush to a class that I was clearly not going to make. So, I called the studio had them push the class back. I believe that everything happens for a reason and it was shown to me clearly as I was on my way to class. An accident with traffic backup for miles which I would have been caught in had I made it to the earlier class. That would have undone all the work that I put in to be wasted in traffic.

I make it to class in plenty of to get settled in as I waited on the class to get started I noticed the nervous energy that I had waiting for the class to start. Needless to say that once the class started the nervous energy was gone. I am so glad that I went to class today. It was something that I have been needing for a long time. She definitely kicked my butt but I needed the piece of mind and the time to myself.


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