Mommy Corner Monday: A Stay at Home Worth

Today I saw a video circulating on Facebook talking about stay at home moms. It was fascinating to hear that their net worth is $140,000 a year and we don't even get paid for it! All the jobs that stay at home moms do is basically for free but if it was outsourced that would be the going rate. It's crazy to think but at the end of the day like always we are doing what's best for our family.

Another stat that was nice to hear was that 60% believe that having a parent at home is best for their child and/or children. Which, I believe is great in a world of go go go, long hours, and most of your time is dedicated to a job leaving little time for family life. My husband and I had a conversation stating that the value on family is lost. By staying at home it does just that by putting the focus on where it needs to be... family. Even if you cannot afford it it's always nice to have a family member you trust to watch your children. Parent is always best but a family member is the next best thing with some many kids in daycare and latch key. The cost of daycare is outrageous but at the end of the day you gotta do what's best for your family.

I just wanted to take the time to shout the stay at home moms! Cheers to you and celebrate your stay at home mom! It's a tough job but somebody gotta do it! You can pay me that amount of money to stay home with my kids any day!

Until next time loves!

PS I added the link for your viewing pleasure! Enjoy!


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