
I Choose Organization...Organization to Save My Life!

Can I be honest for a second? I don’t know what I want to do! I feel like I’ve been there more times than I can count in my life and especially at this point. In life, in work, my career, my blog, YouTube channel, social media, and myself but I can’t get the message of what I’m supposed to be doing if I can’t hear it and I’m being focused on too many different things.  Organization  I decided that I need to get my life in order and organized if you will. I see clutter in my house, clutter in my work area and if it’s clutter there in all of those spaces it’s definitely has to be cluttered in my mind. I purchased a Happy Planner a few months back. I’ve been using it mainly to keep track of my water intake. I went to the doctor some months back and my blood pressure was low because I wasn’t keeping enough water in my system. Which prompted me to finally purchase the planner because I had been hemming and hawing about maybe getting organized.  Any who, I was excited about get

YouTube Relaunch

So, I am super excited about today I didn’t think I would be this excited but I really truly am! Today we are launching a new way we do our YouTube channel for the Fae and Cita Show. Fae and I had a discussion on what will be best to better utilize our channel and it was just coming up with one weekly post instead of doing multiple posts throughout the week. It just made better sense for us and we really believe it would free up some time for me because I was the one that was doing the post every single day. We’ll see how it works because the hopes is to give us and to give me more time to be able to focus on a lot more things because I do wear many hats being a mom, being a wife, and just still trying to work a regular 9-to-5 job, while we are work on our channel, blog, and our other endeavors. Our whole idea about the YouTube channel was to make it more of a variety show that was always our idea and premise behind the show when we first discussed it and I ended up breaking up thi

New and Improved, A Cita Life and Other Blogs

I am excited for a few reasons one the Fae & Cita Show blog, two Fae's blog, and three A Cita Life blog. Fae and I finally decided what to do with the Fae and Cita blog. We didn't know how to use it at the time when we started our venture with our YouTube channel ,  social media, and just the Fae & Cita Show in general even though we really wanted to. We're super excited that we are going to use it and with the launch of the blog meant I had to recreate the blog for us! We  couldn't be happier with the way it turned out y ou can check out the Fae & Cita blog   here . We don't have a post yet but you can see where the future posts for the Fae & Cita Show will reside.  I'm excited about Fae's blog because I got to do something as far as a design stand point that I thought was so her and it meant that she would be getting back to her love of writing. She's always had an knack and love for writing and I'm excited that I get to be apar

A Note from a Former Cruising Chick... Loyal to Royal (Royal Caribbean)

My husbands brother in law wants to do this big celebration for his 50th by taking a trip. The hubs suggested a cruise plenty of things to do on the ship, different places to visits, and good price points. His brother in law was thrilled with the idea. Cruising holds a special place in our hearts. Our very first cruise was in 2006 when the hubs best friend got married on a Royal Caribbean cruise, The Adventure of the Seas. We were the youngest people on that ship. Even though we were the youngest in our 20s and everyone was older we didn't care. After that first cruise it had us hooked! We couldn't wait to do another one. When the hubs was my boyfriend at the time said we would never travel any way else ever again! And he meant it. We took several more cruises after that and even had our honeymoon on a Royal Caribbean cruise! I remember when someone asked us, "How can you love Royal Caribbean so much if you haven't been on another cruise line?" We even tri

Shea Moisture Shea Butter Vegan Lip Balm...Wait! Can We Talk?

Can we talk for a second? So, I just so happened to be on  Pinterest  and this picture of a lip balm crossed my screen. It was the  Shea Moisture Shea Butter Vegan Lip Balm  in Coconut & Hibiscus and African Water Mint & Ginger. Pause. I must get it... both flavors... I then check on Target & Walmart to see if I can get it in store. Yes, I can. I purchased it from my local Walmart and couldn't be any happier. Open it up apply it to my lips. What is that smell? The taste... What the heck is in this lip balm? Can I be honest for a second? I don't like it. Ok, don't get the pitch forks out just yet. I'm a Shea Moisture fanatic. Shea Moisture is always my go to, my wishlist, my it gets me every time Walgreen's has a bogo sale. But, here me out for a second. I don't like it for the following two reasons, it smells and tastes like castor oil to me. It has the faint smell of the Coconut & Hibiscus but the smell that overpowers everything else is t

Sorry to Leave You this Way...

Sorry for leaving you this way. I had to take a temporary break. I was starting to burn the candle from both ends so to speak. I have been going and going since the Refined festival back in March. I have had been putting too much pressure to be consistent about keeping the content up for The Fae & Cita Show YouTube channel, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter social media pages. While still trying to do my blog and the A Cita Life YouTube channel and maintaining a 40 hour week job, mother to 2 small children and puppy, and being a wife. Of course, leaving little time to myself or to spend quality time with the hubs. I’m not saying that I’m not capable of completing the tasks that I had put before myself because I am capable of doing all of those things and then some. But, what I’m saying is I needed to take a break mentally to refocus my energy, regroup and remember why am I doing this and to be able come back stronger and more focused than before. We all need to take a break some

New Hair Who Dis?

I was getting ready to take my braids out and I was telling my friend that I wanted to get my hair like when I had it cut a few years ago. I was telling her how much I loved the hair style and how convenient it was for me. Be short made it easy and simple. She asked me how short would I want to go and I told not as short as I had it initially when I cut my hair the first time but a little length to it to be able to do something to it if I wanted to. Later that day, I took my braids out, finger detangled my entire head and grabbed the scissors. I called myself cutting off my ends and took off more. Once, I finished and started looking at my hair a huge smile just crept across my face. It made me so happy that the hair was gone. It was like I was like myself again, a new me, and I loved it. It instantly made me happy. I cut my hair for a few of reasons o ne being short hair works for me and my current lifestyle. Being a mom to 2 small children, working a regular 9-5, and