A Week in My Life: Take Care of Yourself

I’m a little late with this week’s blog post. Well, I am later than I would like to be. I like to have the blog posts out earlier in the week to give you something to read and later in the week something for you to view. And sometimes I just have to let the expectations go because I may have wanted to have the blog post out earlier in the week I am still making a post this week or so I thought. It’s a whole new week now. Since I started back up vlogging and blogging I have been consistent and I want to keep that momentum going.

So, I wasn’t expecting to not be feeling well last week and how it shifted my whole week. I woke up Tuesday with my back hurting. I dropped the boys off at school and took the truck to the shop. While sitting the chair the pain in my lower back drifted up my back. After leaving instead of running all the errands I had planned on I ended up just going and laying down. I cannot tell you how happy I am that I did. I allowed my body the time to rest and I felt better when I had to go and pick the boys up from school. It was still hurting just not as bad. Had I not taken that time for myself I would have ran those errands and felt horrible by midday. Where at the “sticky” season I like to call it where the weather is cooler at night and still warm during the day and there is something flying around in the air causing my allergies to act up to the point that I have sinus drainage. Which sometimes it can mimic a cold.

One time my sinuses and allergies were acting up so bad that I was congested  when I talked to my coworkers they thought I had a cold and was saying I needed to go home. I had to keep telling them I wasn’t sick. I was literally fine I just sounded bad. Looking back on it I should have just went home like they said and took the time I needed for myself but my home wasn’t a quiet safe space for me at the time so I remained at work. 

Anywho I say all that to say is that I was like “oh no I cannot be getting sick!” I up’d my vitamins just to be on the safe side because I still had stuff to do. I had to take the truck back to the shop on Wednesday and still needed to go to a few grocery stores. 

Wednesday I got up feeling better but wasn’t out of the woods just yet. Dropped the boys off at school and took the truck back to the shop. I sat there for 4 hours only for it to not be fixed and he asked me give him a day where I could drop the vehicle off for a day to work on it. I think I over did it by being in the shop for that long because by the time I made it home with the boys and went to start dinner I was back to feeling the same way. I made their plates and then laid in my bed. I was fine and we were still able to complete our night time routine.

Thursday I woke up feeling fine well no back pain but sinuses draining since it has been sitting in my face for the last couple of days. I just knew I didn’t want to chance it and I wanted to kinda take it easy after the last 2 days. I dropped the boys off at school and went to one grocery store. I made the conscious decision to do one store and I am glad that I did. I was home long enough to have my cup of tea then I got a phone call from the boys school. I ended up spending about an hour and a half at the school. Came home ate and only had a little bit of time before it was time to head back out to pick them up.

Which leads me to Friday. I have no back pain to report I just have been sneezing and drainage got to love allergies. 

It has been a week and sometimes things will shift the week into what you need it to be. I know that for sure because I am the type to go go go and sometimes you just need to rest and take care of yourself. I feel like what helped me was getting good sleep since I hadn’t been sleeping the best this week. I listened to brown noise before bed. I am thinking about adding one of those videos on my channel. Let me know what you think and I’ll make it happen. Just laying down when needed helped me out immensely. Which is a luxury to me when you’re a single parent. I made sure to get in extra amounts of vitamin C the last few days as well.

Take care of yourself in the manner that best suits you and I’ll see you in the post. 

With gratitude,


I started this blog post last week while I wasn't feeling well and didn't post. I just needed a little time and I am sure you can understand and relate.


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