Would You Work for Happiness or Money?

I’m at this interesting path in my life. There is where my husband says, “This is where men and women can’t get along.” The big debate in our household like I’m sure everyone else is more money. I know it’s a very heated topic and some can even break up if they can’t come to terms with it. I’m in the process of trying to switch from a job to a career. I have a degree in business and not had a chance to use it. Everything that I have ever applied for in the past has always been “thank you for applying but we have went with other candidates better situated for this position” or “you lack the experience necessary.” My career options is HR (which the hubs think I would be a good fit for seeing how I like to help people) and Marketing (which I think would be a good creative outlet.) 

He wants me to make more money but he thinks I’ll ultimately choose something for happiness. He says this is where the conflict comes into play because men are driven by money usually to support a family so they have to choose money over happiness and women are driven by emotions so we often choose what makes us happy over money.

Ok, back to the interesting path like I said my choices is either HR or Marketing. The issue with this is neither career paths cross each other. So, I go up one path that can’t cross over into the other without the experience necessary. I’ve been applying for positions mainly in HR as of recently. Also, HR can make more money over Marketing. My husband and I were having a conversation and he was saying if you think that marketing is going to make you happy why not go just into that career path versus HR. I let him know that I am trying to go for what’s going to give me the more money right now and my happiness will lie in the Fae and Cita Show and A Cita Life. I’m ok with that being my tradeoff for now.

So, I pose this question to you; would you work for happiness or money? My answer to the question would be happiness. Even though currently I’m going for the opposite. Well, see how it works out and of course I’ll keep you posted on it but back to my answer! I feel like if you work for happiness you will be happy with your life and work won’t seem like work. When you’re happy the passion and the drive for what you do will show. I know when working of happiness the money doesn’t always come in the beginning but it will follow later on. This question will be up on, The Fae and Cita Show YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. So, feel free to leave your responses under my post or on any of our social media because I would love to hear your point of view. 

Until next time loves…

Of course I included the video for your viewing pleasure! 


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