Hello January

Happy New Year! I hope you had a fun and safe holiday season and New Year. I hope you were able to bring in the New Year the way you wanted to. We didn’t do too much for Christmas. My aunt was sick so our annual Christmas breakfast was cancelled. We hung out around the house until it was time to go over to his sister house for the Christmas dinner. I loved the gifts the boys got for Christmas. All learning toys and books talking about colors, letters, and numbers. My oldest already knows all of it so, he tells me everything about it when we read a book.
New Year’s Eve we stayed at home. We had plans to go to his sister’s house but, my nephew came over instead. Which was nice anyway because the boys got to run around and play. They tried to stay up but both of them were falling out so they were in the bed by 11. If we were at anyone’s house we would had to pack them up and bring them home once they were too tired. It would have been a lot of fussing taking them out of the car and getting them ready for bed. And yes I’m aware that I have a 3 year old and a 1 year old that we decided could stay up until 11:30 to celebrate.
Goals for last month, I wanted to do 4 blog post for the month. I only completed 2, Hello December (since I was so late in the month posting it) and 2018 Forward. I still need to complete those two post so, I have to figure that one out. I’ll probably have to roll that goal over for January.
I was able to decorate the tree with the help of the kids and they enjoyed it. I found out that I had glass bulbs which I thought all my bulbs plastic thanks from the baby. He took two bulbs and smacked them together and one broke. We moved all the bulbs up on the tree out of his reach or so we thought until he broke another bulb the following day. So, the hubs and I removed all the bulbs from the tree. I had a bulbless tree. I wasn’t that bad looking since the lights flickered you almost couldn’t notice. Lol. I did however make it to Target after Christmas and got some bulbs on a 75% off clearance. My tree for next year will be ready!
The family trip! It was the first time we were able to take a trip where all the siblings and nieces and nephews were able to make it! It was really nice it got off to an off start but it turned out to be fun over all. The kids had a blast! And that’s all that matters to me. Post about that later to come so be on the lookout for that!
Goals for this month:
  • Write down my goals and aspirations for the year
  • Update the follow loop for Women Connect Wednesday
  • Work on the Fae & Cita Show Facebook page
  • Work on a logo for the Fae & Cita Show
I want to write down my goals and aspirations for this year to see how many goals I have for this year and to be able to give it a focus. I wonder should I start a vision board. When I did one in high school we used pictures. And it really did work. I’m surprised I never stuck to it and do one every year. I did have a few failed attempts at trying to complete a vision board since then too. I heard you can do one without pictures which always made me wonder did it still work the same way as a picture vision board. If you don’t know what a vision board does is it puts the focus on what you really want to complete and the universe works to attract what you want.
I need to update the follow loop for the Women Connect Wednesday because I getting a lot of likes on the picture itself and some followers but no one reposting the loop. The whole point of the loop is for women to connect and grow their social media communities.
The Fae & Cita Show already has a Facebook page that we are currently not utilizing. When I do post for the Fae & Cita Show on Instagram I do have some of those post go over to Facebook but I haven’t set it up to have visibility on Facebook. And seeing how I don’t really use the Facebook page it could have gone inactive.
I was thinking to myself looking at some pictures on Instagram and some pictures I create and how I would like a logo to add to the picture. If I can add the logo to the pictures I feel like it will make my life a little bit easier and even if someone reposts the imagine the logo will be on there for everyone to see.
I do have a BIG announcement to share with you but I will make in a separate post! I’m truly excited about it!
Hopefully, I have inspired you to do something fabulous! If so please let me know in the comment section below!

Until next time loves…


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