Weekend Recap: Fight Weekend and everything else

Hey loves,

Hope this weekend was everything you needed. This weekend was fight weekend and I created signature drinks just for the occasion. My brother hosted the fight at his house and Money Mayweather Knock Out won and remained supreme and I was making drinks all night! It was definitely a late night for the kids. I had a sleeping baby in my arms by the time the Mayweather-McGregor fight started and ended. My oldest was trying to fall asleep but couldn't because all of the noise. They still had a ball running around with their cousins.

We missed out on Black Restaurant week and I am so disappointed. I can’t wait for it to come back again. I read the menu and the food sounded amazing! So, when it comes around again we will definitely be going!

I had a little girl time and saw Girls Trip. Yes, I know I’m late to the movement. It was a great movie! I feel like they should do another one but I don’t know how they could top that one! So, it could just remain one and be a classic and I'll be fine with that.

I ended my first week of no yoga per the doctors orders… ugh… I miss it and can't wait to get back to it. I just feel so much better when I do it. I got another week and a half to go. Great! He wants me to take it easy. Easy for him to say he doesn't have little people that like to play and hang off of mommy all the time!

I ended the weekend with getting the boys the Little Tikes Cozy Coupe. It took me a little while to put it together because my little helpers wanted to play instead of the car while I tried to put it together. I finally got it put together and they had a ball. It looks like Little Tikes has thrown up in my backyard and I love it.

Until next time loves!


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