Hello August

Hey Loves,

With the start of the new month I hope it brings whatever you have been looking for. I'm a little bummed that it's August already! The time, summer, and this year has truly flown by. But, I am excited what a new month brings and so far it brings me a vacation! Our travels takes us to Georgia for a family reunion and a little R&R.

I went to yoga yesterday and I made sure I did because I missed last week and I wasn’t able to make it the last 2 Saturdays. And knowing that we will be on vacation I will miss another week! Any who I went yesterday and it was everything I needed. I was even more excited that I actually did the crow pose yesterday! I was in the position then realized I was doing it then I fell. I tried it two more times in the yoga session and couldn’t hold and maintain the position. I was more excited with the fact that I did it which let me know I am capable of doing it again. So, yoga has been in the back of mind all the time since yesterday. I’m going to see if I can find a class to attend while on vacation.

I am sorry that I didn’t get that post up for Mommy Corner. I went to post the blog and realized I was missing some items that I wanted to discuss. I decided it was better to wait and give you some good quality stuff versus putting up part of my message and you not get the complete idea/vision of what I was trying to tell. I’m currently gearing up for vacation right now but I am hoping that I can finish it and post it up on Monday. I got a couple of other videos I need to complete to put for you guys as well that I’m hoping that I can complete and post soon as well.

Accomplishments from last month was starting and posting the travel section for Mommy Corner. It's something that I finally started and I've been wanting to do it for a while but just had been putting it off. My goal is to get the next part of it up in a timely manner. I wonder what other goals I should make for the month?

Until next time loves!

**This post was written on August 2, 2017**


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