Traveling by Car: Road Trip!

Today's Mommy Corner is traveling by car. So, I'm just going to jump right in. I can not stress enough the importance of having a system. It will save you time, frustration, and a headache when you have a system in place especially when traveling!

Take creature comforts for on the road and the hotel. Depending on the distance your travel you take your baby’s bassinet. I took my son’s bassinet when we went to visit my sister in Cleveland. It was only a 3 hour drive and it was enough space in our car to do so. You can always request a pack and play once you arrival at your hotel if you’re concerned about space in your vehicle or not wanting to lug it around. I didn’t mind because his bassinet is good for traveling and it gave him some comfort when we were in a new place.

For the car, I packed a couple of toys, books, and snacks for the road. When we went to Cleveland, I took one of my sons favorite toys to play with when we had down time in the hotel. For our Hawaii trip I attached toys to the babies car seat to play with while on the road.

Dress for the car ride. Wear comfortable clothing that will make it easier when riding for extended periods of time. My kids are hot boxes so the less is more. When we went to Cleveland I took off their coats and had them dressed in one layer, no jeans, and adjusted the temperature accordingly in the car.

When is the best time to travel?

Best times to travel are during nap time, early in the morning or late at night, and avoiding rush hour. Traveling during nap times can allow you to push through to your destination without having to make frequent stops otherwise during wake hours. On a trip from Columbus my son was sleeping I punched it to make it back to Michigan to shorten my sons time in the car and he was none the wiser cause he was sleep.

Traveling early in the morning or late at night you avoid traffic that would slow you down otherwise. And by doing this your kiddos can either sleep through some the traveling if you leave super early or really late at night.

Avoid rush hour if at all possible. It can double the amount of time you have to spend in the car especially if it's rush hour and construction! The less movement can make kids antsy and want to get out sooner than you would like them too. On my trip to Cleveland, I took a back road which would have saved me an hour up to an hour and a half. I was making great timing until I ran into an accident that stopped traffic completely. I sat there for 45 minutes waiting for the accident to clear only for the non movement to stir my kids out of their sleep. So, not only did I lose the time I saved because of the accident and the time by having to go a different route I had to hear a crying toddler until he dozed off.

When renting a car minimize the time your kids have to wait in the car for the rental car. We learned the hard way with my oldest. On a trip to Chicago it took at least 45 minutes to an hour to get our vehicle. Little did we know the clock had already started ticking on our little one. He was a good sport and waited that entire time in his car seat. Half way through our trip he wanted out. And how could you blame the kid. He spent part of his ride time waiting.

Either get your reservation the day before or hours prior to your departure or have someone watch the kids if possible until you return with your vehicle. With our Cleveland trip to minimize time in the car we took the kids to McDonald’s prior to leaving so they could stretch their legs from sitting so long waiting on our vehicle.

Take breaks if necessary. I know sometimes just trying to get to your destination can be tolling so take breaks when necessary to make it easier on yourself and your family.

Hopefully, these tips can help when planning road trips with your little ones!

Until next week when I talk about another way to travel!

I have updated this post include the video for you viewing pleasure!


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