Hello July: Well Wishes and Thoughts

Hello July and loves,

I hope everything is well and July is being the best to you.

We have officially made it through two birthdays and 4th of July. Bash's birthday was a success. Everyone had a good time. We were able to celebrate Sly's birthday with a impromptu BBQ. I'm a little disappointed that he had to cook on his birthday and not to mention I wasn't able to be much help because I had to work.

We were able to enjoy everyone's company in coming together to celebrate life's moments and make memories. We literally drank for 5 days straight! Talk about a good time! Fourth of July was good because I got to see it through the eyes of my son who was finally old enough to see fireworks. He truly enjoyed it and I enjoyed seeing the excitement he had seeing them. July is our "busy" month I like to call it because it is a birthday every week and a party to celebrate every weekend.

I was a little upset with myself because I didn't post anything to the channel last week. But, after further thought I decided not to beat myself up. I realized that I was living life and making memories and I shouldn't fault myself for enjoying my loved ones because that's what life is all about! And I don't just want to put some random stuff up or rush and not do quality work because I wanted a like or a view.

I am proud of myself because I am finally working on a post that I have been wanting to do for a while but I kept putting it on the back burner. I will post it Monday for Mommy Corner. I'm still trying to work the issues I'm having with not having enough space on my phone and iPad to get videos up faster but it's a learning process and I'm working on it. I will leave you with the post that I posted on my Instagram page. Strive for progress not perfection. I'm making progress with everything I'm doing whether it be a blog post, video for the channel, editing and recording. And progress is all you can ask for.

Until next time loves.

Side note: That picture makes me wish I was on a beach some where! Gawd!


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