Intro to Traveling with Little Ones

I love to travel! I am a adamant traveler. We try to travel at least once a year. The last few years we have been exceeding our goal. When it came to the thought of having a baby and the love of traveling I didn’t want a baby to cause us to stop traveling. When I got pregnant with my first child my husband was under the impression that we would not travel until he was 4 or 5. I gave him the side eye when he let those words escape his mouth. I told him to try again. He then stated 3. Side eye again. Two he stated he was met with another side eye. Then looked at me and said, “WHAT.” I told him we should still continue to travel while he was free. He met my statement with a “no.” Ok, I got your no. I traveled my entire pregnancy what really makes you think that we are going to stop now? So, I made the adjustment for us to be able to travel with a baby.

I know traveling seems like it's out of the question or impossible but hopefully with these tips you too can travel with your little ones. I am going to break it down in a two part series about traveling with little ones. I don't want to overload you with too much information all at once. Plus, you get to choose which piece you think fits your needs look at it like customizing. Stay tuned to see what piece I introduce first. The next couple of Mommy Corners will be dedicated to traveling with little ones.

Until next time loves!


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