Khloe's 5 Tips for Bikini Ready in 7 days

With the summer just around the corner and everybody trying to get it right get it tight Khloe released 7 days to get beach ready. 

Check out the list of 5 things to get you bikini ready!
Hopefully, this helps with your last minute vacation or getaway! 

Here's Khloe’s Tips:

1. Ditched Refined Carbs
“That means sugar, white bread and pasta is out (sorry, dolls)! Refined carbs cause your blood sugar levels to spike and crash, leaving you tired, hungry and craving more. Go for high fiber grains like quinoa and brown rice, which keep you feeling fuller longer and can actually reduce bloating. Peep two ways to cook quinoa here and here. Reach for fresh fruit, if you’re craving something sweet. I love this refreshing citrus salad.”

2. Increase Your Workouts
“Let me remind you that two-a-days should only be done for short periods of time! I only do them occasionally and for 1 week max right before a vacation or when I want to look my best. Doing one session of cardio in the morning and one session of weight training in the evening challenges your body and burns calories around the clock—for up to 24 hours! Make sure to stay hydrated and properly fueled!”

3. Lay Off The Booze
“Relax, it’s only 7 days, honey! Not only are cocktails calorie bombs, but they stimulate your appetite and lead to dehydration, which causes bloating. Be a (healthy) bougie b*tch with these fancy mocktails instead!”

4. Go For The Bronze
“Spray tans give me life and I’m not sorry about it! Self-tanner can camouflage all kinds of sh*t. When skin is darker, light doesn’t reflect off it as much, making it appear smoother all around!”

5. Water, Water, Water
“Speaking of hydration, it might sound strange, but the more water you drink, the less water your body retains. Goodbye, water weight; hello, flat tummy! I try to get as much as 5 liters a day—it’s a lot, but the more physically active you are, the more you need.”

My take:

Brown rice is a staple piece in my house. I'm not saying we eat it every day but we try not to buy any thing that has been bleached i.e. brown rice and wheat bread. And as far as sugar goes I'm a tea head and I don't need to join an AA group for it, I use beet sugar or honey if it's available. Another thing to use is agave it's a natural sweetener as well. Fruit helped me get through my first pregnancy with my son and he's loves fruit til this day! I try to keep it in the house but there is no in between with us either we eat it too fast where I can't keep it in the house or I buy too much and we don't consume it as quickly as we need to so it spoils. Bananas a quick easy on the go snack. Tip: If you're a person that has trouble drinking water eat watermelon it's full of water to help offset the water you're not consuming via straw :-)

I've always notice when I'm getting ready for a trip the last thing on my mind is a workout. It's something that I can easily put on the back burner because I feel like all the running around I do preparing is a workout enough! But, it does make sense to keep the normal routine up if not upping the workout because you'll be on vacation relaxing beach or poolside in no time with no workout insight but some cocktails. Makes even more sense on how they always seem to have the most killer photos on vacation too! Mhmm… something to think about...

Off boozes!?!! I can say sometimes I don't even have a time for a drink when getting ready for vacation until I'm on vacation. Once, I get on vacation I'm like uh where's my drink? I honestly am running around getting stuff together during the week leading up to the vacation. So, sometimes I don't miss the drink cause I'm just that busy. But, if I still got to work out where's my reward! Lol. Tip: If mocktails are not for you and you must have a drink when hanging with friends do the alcohol of your choice straight with ice. It cuts down on all the sugar and calories from the extras added in your typical drink. And you can always have a glass of red wine and say it's for your heart health! ;-) 

I can't speak on the self tanner cause I got the natural melanin popping. But, I do understand a lotion with a little shimmer can do wonders. Tip: You sprinkle some lose shimmering eye shadow in your favorite moisturizer. You get the shimmer and smell good all day!

I can say that the more water I drink the better I feel and it shows in my skin. My face is much clearer and I have less break outs because the water is flushing the body to remove unnecessary toxins and wastes. I drink more water than every being a breastfeeding mother! I'm always thirsty! I noticed when my birthday came around my water intake went down and my alcohol intake went up my skin reeked havoc and it was break outs galore! Ok, one or two break outs I'm being a little over dramatic but that was way too many for me! I think it was really three or four but who's really counting? I told my husband the amount of water Khloe is drinking and he broke it down to make a lot more sense. The amount of water she is consuming is 2 and ½ pop bottles full. Just something to think about when you finish that 2 liter of Pepsi. I'm not drinking anywhere near the amount she's drinking but every little bit helps. Tip: If you're not the water type try coconut water it helps with dehydration. One time in Vegas we walked the strip in 105 degree weather talk about being tired and thirsty! We stopped by the store on the way back to our room I bought me some coconut water and I felt instantly hydrated while every one else still lagged behind. And that's all the tidbits you get from me about Vegas! Another tip if you're not a coconut water drinker because it does have an acquired taste try fruit in your water! Water infuses with the fruit and gives it a light and refreshing taste I learned about it years ago before it became a trend. 

One thing that I can appreciate was she was honest enough to say it took her awhile to get her body to where she wanted it to be. But, if you want some tips these can help. 

I've included the link to the article below for your reading pleasure! 

Until next time loves!


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