Beauty Challenge Fail?

I'm not sure if anyone was aware that I was doing a beauty challenge that I had made up for myself. It was the Hello Beautiful Hello Gorgeous challenge it was a selfie a day where I would post a selfie of myself for 365 days.

It lasted all of 232 days. I'm proud of myself for going as long as I did. I have no regrets of discontinuing the challenge. A little part of me wish I would have finished it through that's the goal oriented person in me. When I start something I like to try and finish it.

I abandoned the challenge for a couple of reasons:
Due to lack of memory space on my phone I felt having pictures of my boys in my phone was more important than a selfie
Due to the lack of memory space: I’d rather had the video and pictures for the channel to be able to upload.
And the most important reason of all is that I didn't need to do a beauty challenge in the first place. My kids are so amazing and beautiful to me which made me realize that they got all the best of me! The beauty that I see in them is me!

Not saying my husband didn't contribute but he carry new life I did. He didn't labor and bring them into this world I did. All of that is a beauty and strength within itself. A selfie a day wasn't going to tell me that. Maybe I'll start the challenge back on different circumstances but for now I'll just use them in a hashtag #hellobeautifulhellogorgeous because I am beautiful and gorgeous.

Until next time loves!


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