Body... Lately...

So, lately I've been wondering and I'm not sure if you would call it worrying but wondering about my body image. I literally told my husband yesterday that I can not believe I've had two babies in the past two years.

It's funny how you can ask a question and the universe will bring you the answer.

I found it funny that a mutual friend sent me pictures of myself when I turned 30. First, I rolled my eyes because I'm thinking it's another ploy to get me out to work out. Then again maybe it isn't but we've been down the hey girl why don't you come workout road too many times to count. She means well in a sense she wants me to get my body “back” to the days of no kids but her approach is always wrong. I looked at those pictures today and laughed because if this was what she thought my body back was little did she know that I wasn't where I wanted to be but I was working on it then I got pregnant with my first child.

After having him I literally woke up one day and was like you are enough you are completely enough and I was happy with myself and my body. Something that I fought so hard to see just hit me one day after having a kid. I sat with the weight in my midsection for a while then I was like ok it's time. I started to get back in my health and workout routine and I started to lose weight. Then guess what? I got pregnant with my second child.

I gained less weight with the second one than I did with first one. 29 lbs with the first child and 22 lbs with the second. I was actually smaller when I got pregnant with the second child then I was with the first child. Meaning I had lost more weight having a baby. But, breastfeeding did help with the weight loss as well. I highly recommend it. I've already have lost my weight from the pregnancy.

But, I've been noticing that some days I kinda care how I look then other days I don't. I blame the hormones still being out of whack. I have my days where I would compare myself to how it was when I had my first child and I technically couldn't because he was born in the winter and my second one was born in the summer. So, I literally had on layers with one and shorts and a tank with the other. Which probably was the best for me with the first child because I couldn't see how fast or slow I was losing the weight.

Anywho looking at those pictures made me realize I don't want to look like that person. Stay with me here there's a point I promise. The bikini in the picture I was wearing I can't even fit now because my butt got bigger and that's a good thing. I can't fit none of my clothes now because I am smaller now than when I had gotten pregnant with either kid. Meaning I am smaller than my pre children days! Plus,the body that I just woke up and loved one day was the body that I liked.

Which brings another point of the perception from other people that I have to look like I did when I was in my 20’s or at 30. I remember being at work listening to the girls at work talking about getting their body back from high school and when they turned 21. I was currently pregnant with my second child and I just sat there and listened and then I laughed to myself. None of these girls were 30 barely 25 and that was the body they wanted to rebel in. To me I wouldn't want that body because to me for me the body after having my baby was the best body. Why? Because this body had created, carried, and birthed life. So, that for me to me is the best body for me to have. I don't need to run after what I use to look like because I am in my best body now it just needs to be polished up a little bit.

I looked at a couple of pictures of myself in a bikini from our Hawaii pictures my husband took of me and the kids and I started to cringe only to realize I didn't look bad. I have a little droop in my lower tummy from being pregnant and getting stretched out. And I think that has been my entire hang up that and the fact that I'm still soft in my belly. But, I can not remember for the life of when it went away with my first son. I think it was about six or seven months and that was naturally no working out or anything.

I laugh now when I hear all the girls talk about I can't wait to start working out after I have my baby. I feel like enjoy that baby and being a mom because they will not be a baby forever. You'll lose the weight eventually especially if you breastfeed. You gotta look at it like this it took nine months for your body to look like that and it's not going to fall off so quickly sometimes so can't beat yourself up about. But, I will say this you'll need something for yourself to just do for yourself and working out can be it.

I do feel like the time has come for me to get back to myself. So, I'll be working on me to celebrate this body that I am in.


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