Beauty Files Beauty Edition: My First Sew in

I did my sew in for the first time. I can not tell you how excited and beyond proud of myself for doing it. I was a little intimidated by doing it at first and was giving myself unnecessary anxiety about doing the whole thing. Part of it was because we were going on a birthday vacation for my sons birthday and I knew that there was going to be pictures of this experience. 

So, I had a deadline to me well an imaginary one in my head. I was getting my nails done on Sunday and I wanted it to be completed the day before. Any time I try something new I usually have my nails super short or wear my natural nails so that they are not in the way of learning something new. The plan was to wash my weave on Friday, wash my natural hair on Saturday, braid and sew on Saturday. Well, it didn't work out as planned. I started washing my hair on Friday didn't complete the process until Saturday. Had my hair braided on Sunday and I sewn it in on Tuesday. 

I had a conversation with myself before I let the anxiety get the best of me. I left myself know that my true deadline was before we got on that plane Friday. And like always everything would work itself out and if it didn't that I would just wear my natural hair. Just like always it did work itself out. I had knew that even though I had set this deadline I would be a day behind and I was. I didn't get upset. I got my nails done then came home to try and do my hair. I tried braiding my own hair but with the fineness and softness of my hair it wasn't going to stay. So, to save time I had my sister braid it. 

I ended up sewing my hair in Tuesday after running errands preparing for our trip. It worked out because my husband kept the kids so I could do my hair. The whole process took me about 2 hours Tuesday and 30 minutes on Wednesday to make sure I didn't miss any spots. 

I ended up using hair that I hadn't used in over a year and a half. I decided if I was going to do it I wasn't going to mess up good hair! The hair I used was a Brazilian loose wave in 18, 20, and 22 inches with a 14 in frontal closure. By using the old hair I was able to get the practice I needed without messing up any hair. Also, I didn't get to customize my frontal since it was already done prior. That's something I get to do the next time around! 

I am super happy with how my hair has turned out! I got my hair to lay flat with no lumps or bumps. And my sisters liked how it turned out as well meaning I can do their hair now. Which is fine by me cause I can see what I'm doing and it gives me some practice to get better! I am glad that I tried it and I'm super happy with the results!

Until next time loves! 

I have updated this post to include the video. 


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