Mommy Corner Monday: Incorporate the Kiddos

Welcome back for this edition of Mommy Corner Monday. I wanted to talk about incorporating the kids in daily things you have to do around the house. I even incorporate my son in the errands! Hopefully, these tips can help you in your daily life with your kiddos!

I had some issues lately when I go into the kitchen. My 1 year old would come into the kitchen and try to get out of the kitchen whenever I was in there for too long. The only time he would be ok was if I was getting him something to drink. He didn't like me going into the kitchen because that meant I was going to be in there for a long period of time either it was to clean or cook. That meant me being there takes away time from with him whether it was playing, reading a book, watching tv, or just plain mommy time.

I decided to incorporate him in my daily activities that just needed to get done either he wanted me or I wanted to do them or not. I had him help me cook dinner. When he came in the kitchen like he normal does I would have him help get the supplies needed to make a meal. We were making black eyed peas, mash potatoes, and macaroni and cheese. I had already put the black eyed peas on by the time he came in the kitchen so I got the step stool set it up, got out the macaroni noodles, had him get up on the stool, and pour the noodles in the pot. Got the potatoes put them on the counter, opened the bag, had him hand me the potatoes, and we would put them in the pot. Move the stool over to the counter, bring the pots over to the sink, and we would fill the pots up. Of course, he would get side tracked with the water being on by a playing in the water. Then, I would put everything back on the stove and turn the stove on. He was actually mad when we finished prep!

I even incorporate him into errands that I need to run like the grocery store. I do the self check out and I let him scan the groceries. He scans them then I put them in the bag. It takes a little while longer but he's happy helping and feeling accomplished. Incorporate them in the simple tasks like meal prep, feeding the dog, and grocery shopping. Hopefully, these little tips can help you in your daily life! Until, next time loves!


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