New and Improved, A Cita Life and Other Blogs

I am excited for a few reasons one the Fae & Cita Show blog, two Fae's blog, and three A Cita Life blog. Fae and I finally decided what to do with the Fae and Cita blog. We didn't know how to use it at the time when we started our venture with our YouTube channel, social media, and just the Fae & Cita Show in general even though we really wanted to. We're super excited that we are going to use it and with the launch of the blog meant I had to recreate the blog for us! We couldn't be happier with the way it turned out you can check out the Fae & Cita blog here. We don't have a post yet but you can see where the future posts for the Fae & Cita Show will reside. 

I'm excited about Fae's blog because I got to do something as far as a design stand point that I thought was so her and it meant that she would be getting back to her love of writing. She's always had an knack and love for writing and I'm excited that I get to be apart in getting her back into her writing. You can check out Fae's blog here.

I am happy to announce and show to you the new and improved, A Cita Life blog. I tried to hold on to the old blog for the longest because I loved the layout but it wasn't user friendly like I wanted and needed meaning it was time to let it go and get something better. I feel the new blog is more me then ever and I truly hope you enjoy. Let me know what you think of the blog's new look in the comment section below and I'll catch you in the new post!


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