Sorry to Leave You this Way...

Sorry for leaving you this way. I had to take a temporary break. I was starting to burn the candle from both ends so to speak. I have been going and going since the Refined festival back in March. I have had been putting too much pressure to be consistent about keeping the content up for The Fae & Cita Show YouTube channel, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter social media pages. While still trying to do my blog and the A Cita Life YouTube channel and maintaining a 40 hour week job, mother to 2 small children and puppy, and being a wife. Of course, leaving little time to myself or to spend quality time with the hubs.
I’m not saying that I’m not capable of completing the tasks that I had put before myself because I am capable of doing all of those things and then some. But, what I’m saying is I needed to take a break mentally to refocus my energy, regroup and remember why am I doing this and to be able come back stronger and more focused than before. We all need to take a break some time to recollect and regain a sense of what we are doing and what we are doing it for. Let's not forget to recharge ourselves! By doing those things it gives you a better guide and clarification on what you are doing. 
We have to do something that speaks to us and if not - it’s not worth doing it! We’ll do it and we’ll get it done and fall through it with grace but if it’s something that we are passionate about we just shine and we’re unstoppable.
So, give me a minute to get all the things up that I just can’t wait to share with you. But, please know in due time it’s coming!
I feel like my honesty about this can show that we all struggle and we shouldn’t give up but rather take a break and come back to it. There is nothing that said we shouldn’t.
I would love to hear your tips about taking breaks and what you do to recharge. Please leave them in the comment section below!
Until next time...


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