New Hair Who Dis?

I was getting ready to take my braids out and I was telling my friend that I wanted to get my hair like when I had it cut a few years ago. I was telling her how much I loved the hair style and how convenient it was for me. Be short made it easy and simple. She asked me how short would I want to go and I told not as short as I had it initially when I cut my hair the first time but a little length to it to be able to do something to it if I wanted to.

Later that day, I took my braids out, finger detangled my entire head and grabbed the scissors. I called myself cutting off my ends and took off more. Once, I finished and started looking at my hair a huge smile just crept across my face. It made me so happy that the hair was gone. It was like I was like myself again, a new me, and I loved it. It instantly made me happy.

I cut my hair for a few of reasons one being short hair works for me and my current lifestyle. Being a mom to 2 small children, working a regular 9-5, and just trying to maintain life leaves me little time to myself. Two, I neglected my hair really bad for about a month and a half almost two months at the worst time possible the winter months! When winter sets in I usually do a protective styling of some sort but, this time i didn't. So, it was probably more damaged than anything. I could feel while finger detangling that my hair texture was different at the ends of my hair then the rest of my hair. It just didn’t feel the same like it normally did, it felt dry and damaged to me. What better way to salvage the healthy part then to cut of the damaged part. 

Three, honestly, I wasn't going to do anything to my hair. All I was going to do was wear it in a bun for the next 3 weeks. No, lie that was my plan. I had no intentions on doing anything else with my hair. None. Four, I feel like when I do my protective styles i.e. braids I feel like I’m taking away time from my children. Guess what, I’m ok if that means I have to sacrifice something so simple to be able to spend more time with my children. I feel like I’m away from so much any ways. I’m trying to soak up so much time with them because this won’t always be like this. Plus, when I get back to working out on a consistent bases I don’t have to about what I need to do to my hair. My hair is long enough to braid if I want to do a protective style. But, if I’m missing the length I can make myself a wig. And let’s be honest I don’t like hair on my neck. 

So, it sounds like a win win for me. Let me know when you your cut your hair and your experience. Would you do it again? Was it everything you thought it was going to be? Let me know in the comment section below!

Until next time loves...


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