My Closure is Here!

I am super excited that my frontal closure is here! I opened the package and felt the hair and it is super soft!!!! I can not wait to get this closure installed!
Not only is the hair super soft but it smells good too! I have heard that you can get hair and it smells chemically that way you know that the hair has been processed. Not this hair it smells like fresh just cleaned hair. This hair feels so much softer than the other closure I bought.
I bought a 14 inch, loose wave, Peruvian frontal closure that goes from ear to ear. I decided to go a different route than the last closure. This closure can be parted any way you want. I only went with a 14 inch closure because I was watching a lady do a hair review and she stated that she doesn't go past 14 inches because if you buy a longer length of hair that you would have to cut it down which sometimes you would end up with 14 inches when it's all said and done anyway. So, I figured I would try a 14 inch in the front to give the layered look without having to cut my closure.
I am super excited and can't to put this hair in and take pictures of the finished product! I think I am going to do a hair review on the last hair I bought since I am going to put it in for the second time. Sounds like a thought! Nite loves! Muah!


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