A Chill Birthday

Yesterday was my birthday and I didn’t do much. I went to work and no one knew it was my birthday. Only 2 people remembered and one of them didn’t come to work and the other was on a different floor. Walking around it was like I had a secret I wasn’t telling. Usually, I would put on my birthday girl tee and go to work. But, I didn’t do it this time around.

When I got home, the hubs insisted we either go out to dinner or get a take out from somewhere. I told him what I had a taste for and he found it. We ended up doing take out. I really didn’t want to take the kids out seeing how they are still recovering from a cold and it being so cold outside. 

For dinner last night we tried Mr Miguel’s Mexican Grille and Cantina. The food was delicious! I got a Fajita bowl and Sly got a wet burrito. That burrito was humongous! They forgot my guacamole but the food was still delicious regardless. I would differently go there again. I wouldn’t mind going to the actual restaurant to see their drink menu.

We had dinner and watched a movie while the boys napped. They woke up half way through and watched the end with us. And the hubs put on a movie for them that Lito and I watched more than anybody. I had a great time being at home with the boys watching them play, playing with their daddy, laugh and smile. It was a good chill day at home with the family and I loved every minute of it.

What I’m going to do this weekend to celebrate? *Shrug shoulders* I’m not quite sure yet but I got a little time to figure it out. My cousin, Fae said I should do an adult sleep over at an Air BnB. She did it for her birthday last month and had a blast. As long as some drinks, cake, and good energy from good people is involved sounds like a good time to me! I’ll keep you posted!

Until next time…


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