
Showing posts from February, 2018

Cita News

So, if you read my Hello February you would know that I had an announcement to make. Well, wait no further! I I wanted to let you know that I am starting my own YouTube channel dedicated to natural hair, beauty and all things Cita. I know I got a lot going on with The Fae and Cita Show and you’re probably wondering why start another channel? One reason is to focus on my natural hair. I get asked a lot of questions about my hair and being natural that it was the next best thing to get information out about being natural. You get to learn about being natural from my point of view and how I navigate the natural hair world as a curly girl. Now, you know my mystery goal for the month.  I’m super excited about the decision and I have a lot of work ahead of me. I do hope you join me on this journey. So, starting March 1 st , I will be launching my YouTube channel, A Cita Life. Be sure to check it out, comment, like, and subscribe. I can’t wait to be able to interact you f...

Women Connect Wednesday: Black Woman Connect: Jessica Nabongo

I’m super excited to talk about the Black Women Connect for this week. This weeks woman connect is a black blogger.  Her name is J essica Nabongo . She's a travel blogger and photographer. But, I’m focusing on the traveling. I am an adamant traveler and I love the travel. I know most people don’t think it’s possible to do so for what ever reason. I feel like this lady right here can bring you to a whole new level of awe and travel envy with just enough to get you biten by the travel bug! She’s been to 111 countries/territories and counting! I also found out that she is also a Detroiter!  How I first found out about Jessica is from one of the curly girls, Rene Daniella , that I follow on Instagram and Twitter. I just so happened to be on Twitter and this retweeted tweet  showed up on my time line. I skimmed over it and kept it moving. Well, it showed up on my timeline again with a response and this time I actually paid attention.  It was talking about how The Four...

Hello Febraury

Hello loves! It's February! Can you believe it's a new month already? I saw a post on ig saying, "Next week will basically be the end of January.. February is like 2 days long. So March will come super fast so will Ester. Summer will come and go then Christmas. Basically 2018 is finished." I hope that's not true! lol. I have another announcement for you guys that I will do in a separate post coming up! I'm excited to share the news. I am really starting to like announcements! Can you tell? I want to talk about goals for last month. Last month was very busy to say the least for The Fae and Cita Show. I came up with tons of logos and with Fae's help we picked the perfect one! Once, the logo was picked I started working on the Fae and Cita Show Facebook page. I'm proud to announce that it is up and running! I also started The Fae and Cita Show Twitter page as well! Both social media outlets I planned to start in May or June but with out upcoming eve...

Women Connect Wednesday: Black Women Connect: Issa Rae

Issa Rae, what can I say? She is the black woman connect for this week’s Women Connect  Wednesday . When I mentioned this concept to Fae of what I wanted to do for the month of February. I didn’t want it to be plain, stuffy, and all about men. I wanted it to be something that focused on the black woman. I wanted it to be able to mean something and be relatable then talking about Rosa Parks, Madame CJ Walker, and Sojourner Truth. Not saying their truths are not still relatable with black women today and not trailblazing by any means necessary but something to make you think and say, "you know what am I waiting for? I can do that too!" Last week, I did Misty Copeland and I was excited, nervous, and a little anxious because I don’t feel like I did her any justice. Why? Because I feel like I did it like a book report. I didn’t say how I found her and how my love for what she does is inspiring and empowering to me. Or the perspective of Misty from me. Maybe, I should do Mis...

Women Connect Wednesday | Black History Women Connect

Happy Wednesday loves! We made it through to the middle of the work week! I've working to get some things together and I'm happy to share. Seeing how this month is Black History Month, we are doing a special Women Connect Wednesday. We're connecting you with black women for the month of February. Each week we will introduce you to a new black women to connect with and a black woman fact. I'm super excited to share with you today's Women Connect Wednesday woman and it is Misty Copeland. If you haven't heard of her she is a American ballerina. She is 1 of 6 kids and was raised by a single mother. She was introduce to the ballet at the age of 13 by an after school program. In September 2000, she joined the American Ballet Theatre and in 2007 she became the company's second African American female soloist in 20 years. In 2015, Misty was promoted to principal dancer, making her the first African American woman ever to be promoted to the position in the compan...


Friendship. This is a post I’ve been meaning to do for a while. I’ve been putting it off like a lot of things. But, recent events with “friends” is a sign that I should have done this post a long time ago but there is no time like the present. Friendships are relationships. We cultivate them and watch them grow and flourish or they can crash and burn. The definition friendship is “the state of being friends, the quality or state of being friendly” per Merriam-Webster or “the state of being a friend” per . Which brings up the term, friend, “a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard, a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter” per  or “one attached to another by affection or esteem” per Merriam-Webster. I added the terms because I don't think people really know or completely understands what it is to be a friend or maintain a friendship. I had a “friend” send me a text message about an article statin...