Hello September

Hey Loves,

 I do hope that everything is well with you all.  I hope your September is starting out well and your August ended the way you needed it to. August for me was definitely a very busy month. It started with a world wind of things going on. We were able to see and spend time with family which is always plus in my book and travel. Stories about that to come later.

The start of September has been productive. I've started to throw things away and clean my house trying to prepare for the winter months to come. I'm not ready for it to get cold but it's coming. We celebrate my brother and nieces birthday. I was even enlisted to make Jell-O shots. That will be up on the channel for Cocktail Friday's this month.

I'm glad Mercury is out of retrograde because maybe now I can get some things accomplished. For a brief period of time I felt like I couldn't complete anything. I am currently sitting on 6 videos that I need to edit to get up on the channel so, I can move on to other things. And two posts I need to complete.

With that being said I wanted to find a way to be more organized. And before I said it a video came across my timeline on YouTube talking about bullet journaling. Has anyone ever heard of it before? Well, you literally can like plan your entire month out by doing this! You get a planner and you can add anything to your journal to help you get organized to plan by the day, week, or even your month. It seems cool in theory but I'm not sure I can dedicate the time to make one let alone write it in! But, I do like the idea of it. I kinda feel like right I don't have a good work life balance to even get myself together to get organized the way I want.

Other things to come this month is to figure out how to celebrate the channels one year anniversary! I'm super excited about that and I want to do something to celebrate. If you come up with any ideas let me know!

Goals for this month:
Getting the 6 videos I'm sitting on edited and uploaded
Get the boys signed up for swim
Prepare and pack for our trip
Attempt my own version of a bullet journal in attempts to organize my life
Order a light to help when filming videos for the channel

I've bored you enough when my plans! Get out there and enjoy September!

Until next time loves!


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