Happy Anniversary! Blog Anniversary 1 Year!

Today is my 1 year anniversary for my blog! I started my blog a long time for today's date but today is the day that I decided to start writing on a regular basis. Today this time last year I made a conscious decision that I wanted something better for myself.

I was starting a YouTube channel and still wanted something that I could get my thoughts out and still be able to help, inform, and entertain simultaneously. And make it where some thing's could be in conjunction with the channel and some thing's were not.

I remember logging back on to see that if I had kept on writing I would have had a solid following by now. Looking at older posts I had a lot of people reading my posts gaining more readers per post. Now, I'm starting over and proud of myself for being a to committing to at least one or two posts a month even though I would like to do more. But, we all gotta start somewhere right?

I would like to take the time to thank my husband for his moral support during this entire process. He's been encouraging me to do something like this for a while and I kept making excuses for whatever reason. But, I'm doing it now! Thank you for taking the kids for just a little bit longer to make a blog post, edit a video, or uploading and posting a video to the YouTube channel I greatly appreciate it. Not everyone gets support for their endeavors and I'm happy that you support mine!

Can't wait to see what the next year will bring for me with the blog and our YouTube channel but I am truly excited.

Happy anniversary and to many more!

Until next time loves!


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