What I Learned About Myself in My Yoga Practice

I've been doing yoga. I like to consider myself a yoga novice. I’ve a yoga to say the least I follow all types of yoga stuff on social media. I love it because it helps my mind, body, and spirit. It's a full body workout. Yoga always seems to teach me something about myself.

Today it taught me to be patient with myself. I don't expect to do any of these moves out the gate. But, it's allowing me to be learn this new body I'm in. I was watching everyone around me do a move and I was trying to understand how to do it. So, I asked the instructor after class about the move. This is why I love the place I go she broke it down to me on how to do the move. She did tell me over time I would get stronger and be able to lift myself. When this particular move was introduced to me I was pregnant so I couldn't even participate in learning the move.

Just like last week, I asked one of my other instructors about my side plank. I was able to do it before I was pregnant and during my pregnancy but not after having baby. I was shown a way to do it that would work for me. My instructor told me last week that balance was still off on my body from having a baby and to give myself time to have my body heal.

So, guess what I did my side plank this week just like she had shown me and I rocked it! I did it the first time and even extended my leg and a big smile went across my face. I was proud of myself and excited that I completed it and outdid myself in the process. I did the other side and fell but, the fact was I did it!

She did tell me this one fact though is that I probably have more space to move in my body than other people because I had a baby. It's going to take me some time and practice.

Until next time loves!


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