Small Minded People and Pregnancy

I am tired of dealing with people that have silly/small mindsets and treat pregnancy as a disease or a “plot/ploy” There is nothing to laugh at about the female reproductive system and body. Just because someone experiences the joy of an enjoyable experience and a baby is made as a result of that. It's sad to think someone would take something so beautiful as creation of a new life and make it so negative. There is no room to judge anyone's situation because you may never know that persons situation. It could be someone struggled with the fact of getting pregnant, or became pregnant and was unable to keep it. Being pregnant is no laughing matter or anything to take lightly because you are growing a human being. I don't like the fact that people can think that they can say whatever they want to a pregnant woman or judge a pregnant woman. That is not right or fair. It's like you're punishing this woman for deciding to carry a new life. No one should be subject to ridicule because they are pregnant or plan to get pregnant. I wish some people would really think before they speak and remember some woman decided to sacrifice her body and to have you.


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