Mommy Corner Monday: Enjoy Being a Mommy

Today for this post I am talking to the mommies to be and the recent new mommies. All I have heard since the birth of my first son was “I know you can't wait to have your baby so you can get your body back”. And two years later it is still the same thing, “I know you can't want to have your body and to get a snap back.” How can I worry about what my body looks like at a time like this?!?!

Your focus should be on the baby. Not about when you're going to get back into the gym to get back the figure you had pre baby. You should take the time to enjoy this gift that you received the joy of a new life that you created.

My advice to the new mommies out there is to enjoy this time with your new baby. Enjoy bonding with your baby, enjoy getting to know your baby, just enjoy your baby, just enjoy being a mommy, enjoy and relish in the fact that your body just gave birth to a new life. Don't just rush back into the gym until your six week check up and you are cleared by your doctor to return to normal activities. Going back before time you can risk injuring yourself and set your heal time back even further than you were hoping or even thought. Also, lay off the waist trainer until after your doctor gives you the ok to do so. Unless, you have a C-section then they usually give you something at the hospital that looks like a waist trainer to protect your stomach to keep your uterus from protruding and sitting on your stitches after having your baby. Just enjoy those moments and the time will come to get back in the gym and get your body back.

Just enjoy being and everything will fall back into place. With my first son I didn't feel the need to start working out until he was about 4 months and something clicked like ok it's time to start doing something for you to get back in shape. So, I started walking on the treadmill from time to time. And when I returned to work I walked everywhere and took the stairs and started doing yoga. With my second son it didn't click until he was about 6 months it took longer with the second child because the cold weather set in an getting motivated was harder. Something just clicks and you're like it's time.

I know every body is different and every mother is different I’m just saying to enjoy it  because this time is going to fly by so fast. 

Until next time loves! Also, I put this weeks video up in the post as well. Enjoy!


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