I Choose Organization...Organization to Save My Life!

Can I be honest for a second? I don’t know what I want to do! I feel like I’ve been there more times than I can count in my life and especially at this point. In life, in work, my career, my blog, YouTube channel, social media, and myself but I can’t get the message of what I’m supposed to be doing if I can’t hear it and I’m being focused on too many different things. 


I decided that I need to get my life in order and organized if you will. I see clutter in my house, clutter in my work area and if it’s clutter there in all of those spaces it’s definitely has to be cluttered in my mind. I purchased a Happy Planner a few months back. I’ve been using it mainly to keep track of my water intake. I went to the doctor some months back and my blood pressure was low because I wasn’t keeping enough water in my system. Which prompted me to finally purchase the planner because I had been hemming and hawing about maybe getting organized. 

Any who, I was excited about getting the planner because the one I ended up purchasing was the classic size which had 3 boxes for the week. I figured one would be personal, the second would be the Fae & Cita Show, and the last would be A Cita Life blog until I decided to launch the A Cita Life YouTube channel.  

Issues with Planning 

I feel like I can plan but only to a certain point. I’m conflicted because I see some people plan, plan, plan and I feel like they are planning their life away. If you’re too busy planning are you really and truly living life? I like the spontaneity of life sometimes just getting up and just doing something. Or nothing if you will not being held to some sort of schedule. We already are with having to be at work at a certain time, school, homework, extracurricular activities and to figure out when to eat and get up the next morning to do it all over again.  

The hubs is taking some classes this semester that leaves me with the boys. It’s an adjustment to say the least because we have a system worked out. One watches and tends to the boys while the other cooks or cleans. And while the weather is still nice here in Michigan when we get home we make sure the boys get outside. So, far there has been days with no dinner prepared because we were outside. And buying lunch every day is not going to cut it. 

At this point your girl needs some help! So, I’m turning to my happy planner for some assistance. I’m putting all my stock into the happy planner hoping it’s going to help me to get my life together. I’m turning to planning to organize my life and day to day activities, hoping for better time management so, I can focus on things like my family, my lifestyle I’m trying to create, and my biggest project, myself.

So, I’m decluttering my life one area at a time and I hope you join me on this journey with helpful tips that we can do together and I’ll see you in the next post. 


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