Shea Moisture Shea Butter Vegan Lip Balm...Wait! Can We Talk?

Can we talk for a second? So, I just so happened to be on Pinterest and this picture of a lip balm crossed my screen. It was the Shea Moisture Shea Butter Vegan Lip Balm in Coconut & Hibiscus and African Water Mint & Ginger. Pause. I must get it... both flavors... I then check on Target & Walmart to see if I can get it in store. Yes, I can. I purchased it from my local Walmart and couldn't be any happier. Open it up apply it to my lips. What is that smell? The taste... What the heck is in this lip balm?

Can I be honest for a second? I don't like it. Ok, don't get the pitch forks out just yet. I'm a Shea Moisture fanatic. Shea Moisture is always my go to, my wishlist, my it gets me every time Walgreen's has a bogo sale. But, here me out for a second. I don't like it for the following two reasons, it smells and tastes like castor oil to me. It has the faint smell of the Coconut & Hibiscus but the smell that overpowers everything else is that castor oil smell. Of course, I naturally read the ingredients list and the first two ingredients are castor seed oil and hydrogenated castor oil. Great! Which confirms what I smell and taste when using the product. Which also means that castor oil is the main and predominant used ingredient in this lip balm.

Does this mean I'm not using Shea Moisture again? Does it mean it's cancelled? No. It just means I wouldn't be using the Shea Butter Vegan Lip Balm product again. I even thought I would try the African Water Mint & Ginger and read the ingredients nope because castor oil is the first and third ingredient of the top 3 ingredients listed. It was a sign that I couldn't get both lip balms at the same time. African Mint was sold out when I went to purchase the Coconut & Hibiscus, I would have surely been upset because I threw the receipt out and can't take it back.

You don't understand how upset I am about this. I really wanted to try the African Water Mint & Ginger. I found out there were others and I wanted to try them all! sad face emoji I just can't get past the castor oil. It's the main ingredient in all of their Shea Butter Vegan Lip Balms. I'll try to keep using it to see if it will change my mind over time but the first few trys it's a pass for me.

If you still want to try it, try it! And let me know your thoughts about the product in the comment section below.

Until next time...


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