Yea, so that happened...

Wednesday, I worked late came home around 8:45. We’re just hanging out getting ready to start our bedtime routine. Just when I decided I was going to get off the couch and get the kids ready for bed I noticed my son kept trying to blow his nose. There is only one thing about that - he can’t blow his nose just yet. He keeps taking my finger and touching his nose with it and trying to stick it up his nose. I got nails so I can’t put my fingers up his nose. I eventually tell him that he doesn’t have anything up his nose... pause... grab my phone turn on the flash light then look into his nose. There is something in there and I respond with a “Oh my god!’ That lets my husband know that we are not in for an easy night. He responds “What?” I tell him he stuck something up his nose. My husband then takes a look, I instantly go looking for needle nose pliers and the hubs says get the tweezers.

I find my tweezers and give them to the hubs and he tries to get this small piece out of his nose. With no luck he says we’re going to have to blow in his nose. I try blowing in his nose on the free side, no luck. After the couple of times I tell my husband that we’re just going to have to take him to the hospital. Which we’re both reluctant to do cause we just know we can get it out. After a few more failed attempts, I get him dressed to take him to the emergency. I know it's going to be a long night at Children's Hospital downtown. Once, I get my sons shoes on my husband told me to take him to the new Children's Hospital.

We get there an luckily, there isn’t that many people in there. Actually, it's no one in the parking lot really or the lobby. No sooner do we get checked in sit down the nurse is ready to take us back to our room. Within 3 mins the doctor comes in and exam his nose. He goes, "Mom there is an easy way we can do this." He tells me to blow in his mouth while he holds the free nostril down but he states it won’t come out on the first try. He said "It will take 10 to 15 to 20 tries. If it doesn’t work we’ll try something else." First, time I try it I didn’t get a good cover over his mouth. On the second try, I blow and it comes flying out his nose. What the hell was it? I’m not sure some plastic piece but all I know is I was happy it was out and I’m sure my son was too. Which now leaves me to ponder what is this bill going to look like?

Yes, yes I know I'm gratefully, we have insurance to be able to take him and yes I'm thankful he is ok but as a parent you learn some things you just don't always run out for. Yes, I know it sounds silly in theory but with the insurance cost, deductibles, and co pays for a simple problem can make a parent mad. Just like the time he had a fever as a baby and it wouldn't break. Rush him to the ER just for them to give him Children's Tylenol and Children's Mortin in rotation every hour on the hour. And a $500 bill later just for it to be teething. Teething sucks! Anyways, I'm really happy it was an easy fix and we didn't have to get x-rays and it wasn't as major as I thought. Even the reception told me that they see that all the time. I can report that he is doing fine and I hope he learned his lesson even if it's for a little while. I guess when you look at it I got to learn a new technique, a skill to add to the books so to speak.


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