
Showing posts from July, 2017

Starting to Accomplish my Goal

I am so excited and happy beyond words right now. I went to upload a video for Cocktail Fridays and noticed I had a new comment that I hadn't checked yet. The comment stated "I just bought this, and your review was really helpful. Thank Yoouuuu" You do not understand that that just made my day! The whole point of starting the channel for me was to entertain and help people. And seeing that comment let me knows that I am accomplishing my mission help and entertain. I'm not done I got a lot more coming to you so stayed tuned! Until next time loves!

Traveling by Car: Road Trip!

Today's Mommy Corner is traveling by car. So, I'm just going to jump right in. I can not stress enough the importance of having a system. It will save you time, frustration, and a headache when you have a system in place especially when traveling! Take creature comforts for on the road and the hotel. Depending on the distance your travel you take your baby’s bassinet. I took my son’s bassinet when we went to visit my sister in Cleveland. It was only a 3 hour drive and it was enough space in our car to do so. You can always request a pack and play once you arrival at your hotel if you’re concerned about space in your vehicle or not wanting to lug it around. I didn’t mind because his bassinet is good for traveling and it gave him some comfort when we were in a new place. For the car, I packed a couple of toys, books, and snacks for the road. When we went to Cleveland, I took one of my sons favorite toys to play with when we had down time in the hotel. For our Hawaii trip I a...

Intro to Traveling with Little Ones

I love to travel! I am a adamant traveler. We try to travel at least once a year. The last few years we have been exceeding our goal. When it came to the thought of having a baby and the love of traveling I didn’t want a baby to cause us to stop traveling. When I got pregnant with my first child my husband was under the impression that we would not travel until he was 4 or 5. I gave him the side eye when he let those words escape his mouth. I told him to try again. He then stated 3. Side eye again. Two he stated he was met with another side eye. Then looked at me and said, “WHAT.” I told him we should still continue to travel while he was free. He met my statement with a “no.” Ok, I got your no. I traveled my entire pregnancy what really makes you think that we are going to stop now? So, I made the adjustment for us to be able to travel with a baby. I know traveling seems like it's out of the question or impossible but hopefully with these tips you too can travel with your little...

Hello July: Well Wishes and Thoughts

Hello July and loves, I hope everything is well and July is being the best to you. We have officially made it through two birthdays and 4th of July. Bash's birthday was a success. Everyone had a good time. We were able to celebrate Sly's birthday with a impromptu BBQ. I'm a little disappointed that he had to cook on his birthday and not to mention I wasn't able to be much help because I had to work. We were able to enjoy everyone's company in coming together to celebrate life's moments and make memories. We literally drank for 5 days straight! Talk about a good time! Fourth of July was good because I got to see it through the eyes of my son who was finally old enough to see fireworks. He truly enjoyed it and I enjoyed seeing the excitement he had seeing them. July is our "busy" month I like to call it because it is a birthday every week and a party to celebrate every weekend. I was a little upset with myself because I didn't post anythi...