
Showing posts from June, 2018

Sorry to Leave You this Way...

Sorry for leaving you this way. I had to take a temporary break. I was starting to burn the candle from both ends so to speak. I have been going and going since the Refined festival back in March. I have had been putting too much pressure to be consistent about keeping the content up for The Fae & Cita Show YouTube channel, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter social media pages. While still trying to do my blog and the A Cita Life YouTube channel and maintaining a 40 hour week job, mother to 2 small children and puppy, and being a wife. Of course, leaving little time to myself or to spend quality time with the hubs. I’m not saying that I’m not capable of completing the tasks that I had put before myself because I am capable of doing all of those things and then some. But, what I’m saying is I needed to take a break mentally to refocus my energy, regroup and remember why am I doing this and to be able come back stronger and more focused than before. We all need to take a break some ...

New Hair Who Dis?

I was getting ready to take my braids out and I was telling my friend that I wanted to get my hair like when I had it cut a few years ago. I was telling her how much I loved the hair style and how convenient it was for me. Be short made it easy and simple. She asked me how short would I want to go and I told not as short as I had it initially when I cut my hair the first time but a little length to it to be able to do something to it if I wanted to. Later that day, I took my braids out, finger detangled my entire head and grabbed the scissors. I called myself cutting off my ends and took off more. Once, I finished and started looking at my hair a huge smile just crept across my face. It made me so happy that the hair was gone. It was like I was like myself again, a new me, and I loved it. It instantly made me happy. I cut my hair for a few of reasons o ne being short hair works for me and my current lifestyle. Being a mom to 2 small children, working a regular 9-5, and...