
Showing posts from January, 2014

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone! I hope the start of your new year is going well! Mine started with some good news! I am turning dirty 30 this year and I wanted to get some of this weight off and become bikini ready. So, I started working out around Thanksgiving. The goal was to work out the 5 days I had to go to work and rest on the weekend. I did pretty good until the craziness of my work schedule picked up for the holiday season.  I went from working out from 5 days to like 2 days a week around Thanksgiving. Then was able to pick it back up and then the craziness of Christmas started... oh dear! I officially didn't work out until last week Wednesday! So, 2 weeks no work out! First off I would like to say I am not the working out type because it bores me.  But, I got myself motivated to keep at it. I could see the difference in my clothes. My jeans went from fitting to baggy. Luckily, it's cold here and I have been putting leggings on under my pants so you can't tell the differ