
Showing posts from August, 2013

Wash Your Face Before Bed

So, I went to a Mary Kay meeting this evening and had a facial done. Wanna know what I learned today. If you do not wash your face before you go to sleep you age the skin on your face by 14 days. Crazy right! And that's not saying you went to sleep with your make up on. Pretty sure that would be worse! That's just your face period point blank. So, now I know when I get a little lazy I need to wash my face before I go to bed no matter what. So, now it's time to take up better habits and routines so this becomes a common place thing. Night loves I need to go and wash my face before bed! Smooches!

Get it Started!

I couldn't wait to get my blog started! I figured I would get everything together just right by the way it looks but I think I finally realized that I was ready to write instead! Even though waiting to get everything together just right like the way I want it was the route that I was trying to take. Call me a little of a perfectionist. Okay not really but I just like things a certain way. Probably by the time you read this I would have already gotten the Cita blog just the way I wanted it. Guess it's time to introduce myself. Hi, I'm Cita. My age (we'll talk about that later!) ok... I'm 29, my relationship status is married (so... sorry fellas), and I currently do not have any kids but my baby is my sweet Fox Terrier and Rat Terrier mix Pixie. My mission and purpose for this blog is to express my enthusiasm and curiosity for health, fitness, fashion, and beauty. I am on a journey for a better me and I hope you enjoy the process.